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A leap down under: Paul Peterson’s journey to Australia
A leap down under: Paul Peterson’s journey to Australia
by RES | Juil 18, 2024 | Temps de lecture: 4 min

A self-proclaimed adventurer, Paul Peterson isn’t afraid to explore the world and experience all life offers. Paul joined RES in July of 2021 as a Commercial Manager working with the U.S. team. Now, he lives in North Sydney supporting the Australian team on a variety of commercial projects. Highlights include building the teams hydrogen strategy, supporting Australia’s first offshore wind project and leading competitor analysis and government tender bids. From Denver to Sydney, Paul has advanced his career abroad, driven by professional ambition and personal aspiration. This is the story of how he, alongside his wife Cara, made the leap down under by taking advantage of the exciting opportunities RES offers as a global company.
This chapter of Paul’s adventure began with a simple conversation with his then manager. “I would say for me, it was very self-directed,” he recalled. At the time, he, and his girlfriend, now wife, Cara, had a dream of living abroad. With RES’ global presence, Paul expressed his interest in potential opportunities, particularly in Australia.
Nearly a year later, he got the call—the Australian team was looking for someone to stand up their green hydrogen business. Paul was immediately intrigued. He discussed the opportunity with Cara, who was equally excited. The decision was unanimous. “Let’s do it! Let’s go to Sydney,” she said.
Then, the transition began. “This isn’t my first rodeo,” Paul shared. Having lived in four different countries during his time in the military, he was no stranger to the complexities of relocating.
“I haven’t lived in the same place for more than two years since I was 17,” he explained. However, this move was different—his first without the help of the military. But RES rose to the occasion, providing logistic support, coordinating flights and even securing temporary accommodations while the couple looked for an apartment.
Despite the support, Paul was honest about the challenges. “You have to really want to do it,” he shared. Moving to a new country requires effort, preparation and willingness to give up your friend group and familiar comforts. It also presented challenges for Cara as she had to give up her job as an oncology pharmacist because the licensing and certifications are different in Australia. But for Paul and Cara, the excitement outweighed the hassles.
Settling into his new role, Paul faced the usual challenges of adapting to a new position, but just like when he transitioned jobs in the military and at RES, his skills were transferable. “I think the biggest thing, like with any new job, is to show you’re willing to work hard and learn.”
With his basic understanding of how renewable energy development works, understanding the differences in Australia and developing green hydrogen came with time. “You have to learn new terminology, new jargon, new acronyms, but a lot of it is the same,” Paul explained. “The processes and language may differ, but the steps are the same.”
One of the biggest draws of Australia was how far away it was. “This is part of the world that you kind of have to move here if you really want to experience it,” Paul said. Every weekend became an adventure, uncovering far more than the cute koalas, kangaroos and the Outback. From cascading waterfalls to exotic wildlife, Australia’s diverse landscapes and close proximity to Southeast Asia provided a launch pad to explore an entire region most Americans only dream of.
Aside from the travel benefits, Paul explained the professional and personal advantages working for the Australian business provided. “Having RES send people to different countries is invaluable,” Paul explained. “It has opened up my perspective to tackling problems differently.” Collaborating with colleagues from different regions and cultural backgrounds broadened his professional network and enriched his understanding of the renewable energy landscape on a global scale. This experience gave him a deeper insight into the challenges and opportunities within the industry.
“To become ‘One RES,’ we have to send people around to our 24 countries to spread lessons learned, to have all the smart people, tools and ideas flow from region to region,” Paul explained. “A problem in one region may have already been solved by another region, but to do that, connections have to be made, and that comes with directly working with one another.”
Over the last 18 months, Paul and Cara have visited 15 countries while living in Sydney. Paul shared that they’ve enjoyed the diversity mix, the culture and specifically working with the RES team in Australia. “They truly value work-life balance and enjoy spending time with each other outside of work,” Paul shared. The entire experience has given Paul a greater appreciation for new cultures outside of North America and an understanding that there are different, even better ways to do things in life.

Paul’s decision to move to Australia was driven by his curiosity, a spirit of adventure and a desire to experience a new part of the world. His experience with the Australian team not only advanced his career in the renewable energy sector but also enriched his life through new experiences, connections and a deeper appreciation for the world around him. Leading the green hydrogen business and supporting the commercial team in Australia has been a unique opportunity that transformed him professionally and personally. His journey to Australia is a testament to the power of self-direction, open communication and the willingness to embrace new opportunities.