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The Cleanie Awards Honors RES as 2019 Project of the Year

RES and Southern Power Win Project of the Year for Reading Wind
RES and Southern Power have been chosen as The Cleanie Awards Gold recipient for Project of the Year. The Cleanie Awards program is the first comprehensive awards program exclusive to the cleantech industry. The program sets out to recognize innovation excellence, business leadership and superior outreach campaigns. Nominations were submitted from individuals and organizations of all sizes and across many facets of the industry.
“The Cleanie Awards set out to identify the unsung movers and shakers in the industry, from the top of the Fortune 100 list to hot startups, pioneering individuals and high impact advocates,” said Elyssa Haynes, program director, The Cleanie Awards. “RES exemplifies the type of innovation and leadership that we are seeking in an award winner. Their accomplishments serve as an inspiration to the broader cleantech industry.”
RES was selected by a cohort of judges and leaders representing a cross section of the cleantech and renewable energy sectors, including Allie Burns, Village Capital; Thiam Giam, Black & Veatech Management Consulting, LLC; Gil Jenkins, Hannon Armstrong; Chris Taylor, Google; Emily Williams, Edison Energy; and, Chris Vlahoplus, Scott Madden.
A full list of winners can be found thecleanieawards.com.