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Onshore wind and solar to support UK’s net zero ambitions
Onshore wind and solar to support UK’s net zero ambitions
by RES | Mrz 02, 2020 | Lesezeit: < 1 min

Leading renewable energy company RES has today welcomed the UK Government’s announcement to open Contract for Difference (CfD) auctions to onshore wind and solar. The decision will enable onshore wind and solar to compete on a level playing field with other renewable technologies to deliver the UK’s net zero target and the cheapest form of power for consumers.
Lucy Whitford, Managing Director – Development and Construction, commented “In the year of climate action, we are delighted to see the UK Government’s commitment to delivering onshore wind and solar. We all have a role to play in tackling climate change and this decision sets a strong direction for greater renewable deployment.
“It is great news for consumers and businesses across the country; alongside delivering the cheapest form of new generation onshore wind and solar will drive significant investment across the UK. We look forward to continuing to work with communities to deliver sensitively designed projects that provide lowest cost energy and contribute to our net zero targets.”
Onshore wind can bring billions of pounds of new infrastructure investment that will create new jobs and benefits to help level the economy. Already onshore wind powers the equivalent of over 8 million homes a year and the industry supports over 13,000 UK jobs. The popularity of onshore wind has grown in recent years and the latest Government polling shows 78% public support, with just 6% opposed.