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Reuters Events: Energy Transition Europe 2023

by RES | Okt 06, 2023 | Lesezeit: 1 min

Reuters Events: Energy Transition Europe 2023 is where the continent’s foremost energy, finance and government leaders unite to lay the foundations of a net zero future whilst accelerating away from market turbulence. We’ll explore how stakeholders will reinvent their business models and engender growth through technology enhancement, cross-sectoral collaboration, supply chain synchronisation, and rapid decarbonization. Join 350+ industry-leaders to diversify your portfolio, forge net zero partnerships, and cement your position within a carbon neutral Europe.

Event date: 13 – 14 November 2023

Location: London, UK

Speakers: Marco Perona, RES EMEA CEO

Event website: https://events.reutersevents.com/energy-transition/energy-transition-europe

RES Speakers

Tuesday 14 November 11:50 – 12:40

The Hydrogen Horizon – The Key to Decarbonising European Industry?

At least 6GW of electrolysers powered by renewable energy should be installed by the end of next year according to EU’s hydrogen strategy. The Hydrogen Roadmap of both the UK and EU indicates that hydrogen may provide up to 24% of total energy demand in the EU and UK by 2050. What role will hydrogen play in decarbonising the most hard-to- abate industries in Europe? How can sector coupling unlock the potential for net zero industrial clusters? What is the ceiling for hydrogen deployment and how can companies accelerate towards, and through, any potential limits?

  • Explore the development of capital flows within hydrogen and identify the importance of an expanding list of subsidy and incentive schemes around green hydrogen production.
  • Get ahead of the market by identifying the next wave of hydrogen project deployment, within Ammonia production, transportation and industrial clusters.
  • Unlock secure long-term contracts within the booming hydrogen market and build an investor-friendly portfolio within the clean hydrogen arena.

Speakers: Marco Perona (Chief Executive Officer of EMEA, RES Group), Thomas Carrier (CEORega Energy), Louise Kingham (Senior Vice President, Europe and Head of Country, bp)

Moderator: Ita Kettleborough (Director, Energy Transition Commission

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