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Employee Spotlight – Reliability & Maintenance Engineer
Employee Spotlight – Reliability & Maintenance Engineer
by RES | Apr 01, 2020 | Lesezeit: 2 min

What does your job involve?
My job involves the planning of maintenance works, including major component replacements, for wind assets managed by RES in France. This involves ordering parts and liaising with third party contractors, as well as organising our internal resources and managing the health and safety aspects of projects. I also provide technical support for the onsite maintenance teams. I focus my efforts on improving the maintenance service we provide to clients as well as finding ways to reduce costs for clients.
What attracted you to work in the wind industry?
During my final years of studying engineering I decided to focus on renewable energy as it is such a growing and important industry. I was extremely lucky to be taken on as an intern to work on a large retrofit project in the south of France, which led to me being taken on as part of the team.
What is a typical day like for you?
A typical day starts off with analysing the data from sites that we manage to check there are no issues that need immediate attention. We have recently taken over the maintenance contracts for several new sites in France meaning I’m currently involved in sourcing and supplying components required for minor corrective jobs or preventative maintenance. Whilst I am mainly office-based I do spend around 30% of my time onsite providing support to our teams in the field. I really enjoy this part as you get to see such beautiful landscapes.
What do you enjoy most about your job?
I really like working on anything related to main components. Being on site and seeing a gearbox replacement or a blade bearing exchange after all the preparation work is really rewarding. I also really enjoy working with people from all over Europe and further afield knowing that together we are making a difference.